I got Mirrors edge on boxing day. And though flawed in some areas it's a remarkable game in art direction play mechanics and design. I really liked it. Did a drawing on it. Last post of the year. Better work and even more posts in 2009
I started this pic a week ago and been working on it on and off for about 6 hours maybe more. been wanting to do a more refined painting for a bit now. Thanks for looking.
Another speed painting. subject was a old show that aired here in Australia called Monkey Magic. never saw it before so I spent some time doing research this character is called Sandy. The show was base on a Chinese myth .
Perun is described as a rugged man with a copper beard. He rides in a chariot pulled by a he-goat and carries a mighty axe, or sometimes a hammer. The axe is hurled at evil people and spirits and will always return to his hand.
had a quick painting session after work with some other concept artist. our theam was street fighter. Nothing else aside form that. so I created a street fighter type of Character. took about a hour. I'm gonna take it further and post a more refined one.
These are 2 finals that I did of a series of vehicles that were a take on post apocalyptic game ideas that a company wanted to develop. These were super fun to do. My main challenge was to take a vehicle and make it into a hover tank version of it. super fun and help refine my process. I'll try to get these on the site soon. I currently don't have internet at my apartment so it will be a bit still until I post them on the site. thanks for checking in.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
little big Planet is awesome! did these for a challenge on there site. This was supper fun to work on and nice change of pace.
Wanted to post something I've been busy with other things so here is a sketch I did of Shadow of the colossus this one I did in 45 min or so I think I'll take it further and post a more refined one. maybe not I also want to start on other things. so many things to do.
I wanted to post something so here is a "oldie but a goodie" this is the one that I got my profile pic form. Also (and I just realized this once I looked at this one) you get a nice and easy colour ability if you turn the black and white into a overlay and sticking the colour layer underneath the black and white layer. Eh thought it was interesting. I'm busy right now so I can't post anything I'm working on so I thought I post some great hits form the past.
Did the guy underneath and I liked the facial markings on him though it didn't fit with the design of the armor. I also did no research so it was all form my head. I wanted to do something with a African them so I used the markings as a start point. Here is the bigger better version of the warrior I did underneath.
I've been thinking of revisiting Shadow of the Colossus but haven't had the time, so instead I did a quick little paining on it. I used it to try out some new brushes and try to refine my process. Altogether the painting took about a hour and a bit.
Did some real quick environment sketches today and yesterday I spent about a half a hour on them. I just wanted to do some exploration of composition and do some work on my new laptop.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Just wanted to do a more refined painting closer to the illustration. the composition took a little longet then I wanted. Thanks for looking.
I painted those sketches. Here they are all finished and blinged up. I just wanted to do some sci-fi things the Corvette ship is inspired by the home world look of there ships. The walker is more a bug shape. There up on the site now as well.